1st Grade Update for Week of September 30 – October 4
The PTHS marching band and concert choir will perform for St. Mary’s School as part of their “Tour of Schools” on Tuesday, October 1.
We will be reading two new stories this week in reading. One is called “Toss! Kick! Hop!” and the other one is called “Friends”. Please look for the reading books to come during the week. Please sign and return the slips of paper on the front of each book stating that you have listened to your child read their stories. Also, the students need to practice their word cards daily and bring them back to school daily. They are getting better at their word cards. Also, in reading we will be working on r-blends, ABC order, and exclamation and question mark sentences.
In math, we will be finishing up unit 2. We did not complete the unit last week because the students were having trouble with a couple of the concepts so I took an extra day to reteach the concepts and review. Unit 2 test will be on Thursday this week.
In religion, we are going to finish up chapter 3, “God is Our Father”. We will take a quiz over chapter 3 on Wednesday, October 2. I will send their religion books home on Tuesday with them for review.
The students will need to do one simple solutions in math on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night this week. Quiz will be on Friday for both grammar and math along with the final spelling test.
In science we will be talking about living things.
Mass parts will come home this week for our mass on Friday, October 18.
On Thursday, student council will be having a DQ shake break at lunch time. Order forms went home last week. Please return your slips by Tuesday, October 1 if your child would like to have a shake with their lunch. The proceeds will benefit the State Service Project this year, “Make a Wish”.
School will be dismissed on Friday at 2:30 p.m. This is immediately following the 2:00 school mass. The students may wear shorts for one more week due to the warmer weather this week. Please make sure that your child has the correct length of skirt and shorts for school. Also, help remind your child to put a belt on if the pants or shorts have a belt loop.
The children are doing a great job with the new writing curriculum, but may need a little assistance from the parents. Can you please discuss with your child some small moments in time that they might be able to write about? This could be about one time on a carnival ride, a time they had to get a shot, or even the time they received a new pet. The students have to add details, feelings, actions, and pictures to go with their stories.
Your children are truly a blessing to have in the classroom. Thank you for entrusting St. Mary’s School and myself with your child.
Mrs. Corrigan
Monday, September 30 – Math Simple Solutions Lesson #21, word cards, spelling words
Tuesday, October 1 – Math Simple Solutions Lesson #22, “Toss! Kick! Hop” pages 70-83, spelling pretest on Wednesday, Religion test on Chapter 3 on Wednesday
Wednesday, October 2 – Math test on unit 2 on Thursday
Thursday, October 3 – Math Simple Solutions Lesson #24, “Friends” pages 68-81, spelling final test on Friday, Grammar and Math Simple Solutions Quiz on Friday
Friday, October 4 – early dismissal at 2:30 p.m.